Giving to Harrogate Vineyard
Giving to Harrogate Vineyard
If you wish to give regularly, or make a one-off donation, the simplest way is by standing order or bank transfer. Just use the details below and make sure your name is in the payment reference.
Bank Name: The Co-operative Bank
Account Name: Harrogate Vineyard Church
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 6729 2385
If that’s not ideal, you are more than welcome to give via cash or a cheque (made payable to Harrogate Vineyard). Again please give us a call or email us at giving@harrogatevineyard.org.uk
Don’t forget to Gift aid
Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we can claim an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue.
If you are happy for us to claim back the gift aid, please complete our online gift aid form.
*Please note: this is our new bank account and gift aid declaration so, if you are an existing giver, please can you change your standing order to the above Co-operative Bank details & also sign a new gift aid declaration. If you would rather check in with us before going any further, please email us at giving@harrogatevineyard.org.uk