Better Times Will Come
Helen Francis
When I was young I used to be somewhat impatient with my parents’ need to listen to the news every day, especially when we got a television and they had to watch it through to the end whilst I was waiting to do something else.
Abide Deeply
Joy Revie
I understand the concept in John 15, of Jesus as the main vine and we as his branches drawing strength and life from Him, but was more challenged with what is to deeply abide in Him, and how I do this on a day to day basis.
The Treasure Of True Friends
Louise Harris
I have been reflecting on friendship and how very precious it is. Every Saturday morning for the past 10 years, I have a call with my dear friend Gill who I've known since I was 12. We started these regular calls when I was going through a really difficult time.
The River Of Life
Elaine Utting
We sang the song ‘I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever’ in a meeting recently. As we sang I had a picture of the Holy City, as described in Revelation 21, made of gold, set with all kinds of jewels, and the main street made of gold ‘as pure as transparent glass’.
Hearts’ Desire Satisfied
David Francis
I was reflectiong on the story in Luke 24 where Jesus walked alongside two disciples on the Emmaus Road, after His death & resurrection. Still full of sorrow, having not seen Jesus for themselves, and not recognising Him as He spoke with them.
Are You Feeling Unqualified?
Ian Revie
I have always thought that training gaps come in our younger years, but find that often new tasks and challenges are coming to me now. Maybe in our later years we see more of the need for things to be done, more urgency if you like.
Plan A to Z
Lucy Holt
Recently I did an assembly for students in the middle of hearing about their university offers. For some this is an exciting confirmation of plans they’ve always hoped for - others finding disappointment and having to think again about their future.
The Eleventh Hour
Helen Francis
In the story of the labourers being hired, those who had worked all day were angry when those taken on "at the eleventh hour" were paid the same amount. That suddenly made me think of the thief on the cross. If ever there was an eleventh hour moment it was here.
Changing Seasons
Elaine Utting
Around this time each year our local store stocks early daffodils. They were on display last week for the first time in 2025. The season is changing, and the daffodils give us a promise that winter is coming to an end, and spring is not far away..
God Is With Us
David Francis
Last year I was “shaken but not stirred!” because central to the Christmas story is that God is with us! My shaking occurred during a recent conversation with some Christians friends, as my biblical world view was suddenly thrown into sharp contrast with theirs.
Waiting For God’s Promises
Michael Munson
What are you waiting for in your life? What freedom have you been hoping for; what oppression are you experiencing? Do you find yourself having a hard time holding on to the promises of God? Wondering where hope comes from if there is true joy to be had.
Advent, Waiting In Hope
Lucy Holt
In our family we have a number of advent traditions. We get out the same decorations, toys and books we have had since the children were tiny. Some traditions Alex and I bring from our own childhoods.
Mary Did You Know?
Helen Francis
I don't know if you've heard the beautiful song ‘Mary did you know’? It's often played at this time of year and is one of my favourites, not just because the melody is so haunting, but because I find the words of the song thought-provoking. How much did Mary know?
What’s Your Source?
Joy Revie
Ian and I have lived in Boroughbridge for 25 years. We love its rural feel and being close to the river Ure. We often follow the river up into Wensleydale, so much in fact, that we decided to try and find the source of the Ure. Finally, in October we did!
Traffic Jams Of Life
Louise Harris
This week I have been in the position of being stuck in slow-moving or even stationary traffic on my way to the office due to road works or accidents. I am sure you know the frustration when there is very little you can do to get there more quickly.
Settled In Faith
Elaine Utting
Over the years, when facing a scary problem, maybe conflicts with family or at work, or health issues, I would remember some encouraging words from the Bible or a worship song and, while the difficulty was playing out, I’d repeat them to myself in my head.
David Francis
Some might say I have enthusiasm for a few pet subjects! We like what we like, and it is hard to hide it! In Greek the word for enthusiasm is ‘Entheos’ and means ‘God within’. Jesus said He would make his dwelling in us, by the Holy Spirit.
Leadership Can Be Lonely
Ian Revie
One of the things leaders know is that, while many people will never step up to be the leader, there are plenty of people willing to criticise any steps towards leadership you might take and tell the whole world how they know better and why you did it wrong!