The Exception
Nam Biyani
Peter walks on water with Jesus (Matthew 14: 22-33).
Every time I read this story it makes me think that, although there were all 12 disciples in the boat, only Peter wanted to walk out from the boat while the storm was blowing. Was it not obvious that a man stepping out of boat into the sea would drown? But, in Peter’s case, God made an exception.
Which made me think:
A young man couldn’t walk into the lions’ den and not be eaten by the next day (Daniel 6: 19-22) but, in Daniel’s case, God made an exception.
People don’t go into fiery furnaces and come out without their robes being scorched, and not even a smell of fire on them (Daniel 3: 26-27) but, with 3 Hebrew boys, God made an exception.
Women in their 90s don’t have babies (Genesis 21: 1-2), but Sarah had one and God made an exception.
Seas don’t part themselves but, when Moses held his staff up (Exodus 14: 15-16), the Red Sea parted and God made an exception.
Walls don’t fall when you walk around them and shout (Joshua 6:20) but, with Joshua, God made an exception.
Teenagers don’t pick up a stone in order to go and face a giant (1 Samuel 17: 48-50) but, in David’s case, God made an exception.
Iron rods don’t fall from the top of the 6th floor and not harm you without a single scratch but (in my own case!), God made an exception.
Dead men don’t go in a tomb for 3 days and come back alive on the third day (Luke 24: 1-7), unless God made an exception.
All these people were not average - but it’s because God was at work in them. In these stories we’re not talking about the people who stayed safe in boat, it’s the people who believed and stepped out.
God is calling you to believe, and to become an exception. When it seems to be impossible; when you feel unworthy, alone, hurt & caught up in the middle of the storm; he wants you to step out of your boat in faith everyday.
And God will make you an exception.
Somebody needs to believe that you are Exceptional!
You are chosen, the kingdom Generation.